Angular 13: The Top New Features You Need to Know

On 3rd November 2021, Angular released version 13. This release is more streamlined and organized compared to its previous releases. This has introduced many updates and upgrades useful for Angular development. A detailed and informative guide about Angular 13 latest version is presented to you here. Have a look:

The Top Features And Changes That Are Brought Through Angular 13 Latest Version

Firstly, there is a lot to learn about Angular version 13. So it’s better to have a holistic view of everything.

  1. Supports TypeScript 4.4

Do you know that Angular v13 will now support TypeScript 4.4? This means we are now empowered to use many more features of fantastic languages. The support for TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3 has now been stopped by them. With TypeScript 4.4, they brought one groundbreaking change: Angular apps need not use getters and setters to get similar types. 

  1. Angular Tests Enhancements

The angular team made some enhancements to the TestBed, which currently functions, tearing down test modules and the environment after each test. As there is a proper cleaning experience for FOM after every test, developers can enjoy more optimized, comparatively less interdependent and memory-intensive tests which are also quicker than earlier ones.

  1. No Support For View Engine

Angular 13 latest version does not support the view engine. It means the new version is Ivy, – 100%. It helps to be free from codebase complexity and maintenance costs. Development teams can also enjoy quicker compilations compared to the previous ones.

  1. Ergonomic APIs

Using Ergonomic APIs granted less load time for Angular 13 – ergonomic code splitting APIs specifically. Recently released ESbuild enhanced the overall performance. As it supports CSS source maps, global CSS gets optimized. ESbuild is a JS bundler that also supports Vue, Svelte and Elm.

  1. Enhancements of Angular CLI

The cornerstone of the Angular framework is the Angular CLI. The present world’s web development ecosystem has a lot of complexities and developers are protected from them thanks to Angular CLI. By supporting the persistent build of cache, the development speed is increased up to 68%.

  1. APF Changes

Angular Package Format [APF] offers format and structural specifications for the Angular Framework packages. Packaging 3rd party libraries into the web development ecosystem is a wonderful approach. Angular v13 brings new additions and advancements. 

  • Ivy partially compiled output is produced.
  • No more UMD bundle production
  • ES2020 output is produced.

And many such enhancements are introduced.

  1. Framework Changes and Dependency Updates

RxJSv7.4 is the new default for applications built with the ng new. Already existing applications need to update their RxJSv6.x using the “npm install rxjs@7.4” command. DEW Studio is the proud user of the latest Angular version, i.e., Angular 13. We as low-code solution uses only the latest versions and advanced tools for all of its clients to offer unmatched services always. 

  1. Component API Updates 

Using low boilerplate code, more dynamic components can be built now. Moreover, one doesn’t have to use the command factory resolver if we use Angular 13. 

  1. Doesn’t Support Internet Explorer 11

Angular 13 doesn’t support IE11. This provides users to enjoy APIs of the native web, CSS variables and web-based animations and other modern web features. So we can now have quicker loading, smaller-sized bundles and better user experience with IE-based polyfills or separate loading necessities. It is a significant change. Because there are still some institutions that still use Internet Explorer and have yet to use Microsoft Edge or other modern browsers. 

  1. Accessibility Updates

Angular has now introduced accessibility updates through its new version. This A11Y accessibility enhancement is introduced after assessing all the material design components. This provides better accessibility, which leads to better design possibilities.

DEW Studio, the top low-code app development platform, makes your app development endeavors a breeze by following updated trends and new-age tools like Angular 13. Partner with us to help you in your innovative endeavors. 

  1. New Form Introduction

“Form control status” is the new form that is highlighted with the introduction of Angular v13. This form accumulates all the status strings for proper form controls. 

  1. Support For Adobe Fonts

Additionally, inline support to use Adobe Fonts is introduced in Angular v13. This encourages developers to use more fonts which helps to create far better functionally slick and modern apps than before. From fonts to features, Angular v13 is surely pushing its boundaries to equip developers in the modern ecosystem to do better app development than before.

Final Words!

Improvements in localization and other updates in Angular v13 are sure to take the tech world by storm. If you want to make the most of this latest industrial breakthrough, partner with DEW Studio

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