Development Costs

Why 70% of Businesses Are Turning to Low Code to Overcome High Development Costs

Development Costs

Are you struggling with the escalating costs of traditional software development? You’re not alone. Nowadays, where agility and efficiency are crucial for business success, many organizations face mounting pressures to control development expenses. 

According to a recent report by Forrester Research, nearly 70% of businesses are turning to low-code platforms as a strategic solution to combat these rising costs. This shift is not merely a trend but a response to the substantial financial burden and lengthy timelines associated with conventional development methods. 

 As digital transformation continues to reshape the business industry, low-code solutions are emerging as a powerful tool to streamline development and drive cost efficiency.

 This blog explores the factors driving this trend, illustrates the benefits of low-code platforms, and provides real-world examples to highlight their impact.

What is Low-Code Development?

Low-code development platforms enable users to create applications with minimal coding effort. By using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built templates, these platforms simplify the development process. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional software development, which typically involves extensive coding, manual configurations, and a lengthy development cycle.

The Rising Costs of Traditional Software Development

  • Complexity and Expertise Requirements

Traditional software development often demands specialized skills in multiple programming languages and frameworks. Keeping up with evolving technologies necessitates ongoing education and training, which can be both costly and time-consuming. 

For instance, a report from Forrester Research indicated that businesses spend an average of $200,000 annually per developer on training and skill upgrades.

  • Extended Development Timelines

Developing custom software through traditional methods involves lengthy cycles, including planning, coding, testing, and debugging. 

A study by Gartner found that the average time to develop a new application using traditional methods is around 12-18 months, which can delay time-to-market and impact competitive advantage.

  • Maintenance and Upgrades

Post-launch maintenance and upgrades of traditional software can be resource-intensive. Regular updates, bug fixes, and ensuring compatibility with new technologies require ongoing support, adding to long-term costs. 

According to a survey by McKinsey, organizations spend up to 30% of their IT budgets on maintaining existing systems.

How Low-Code Platforms Mitigate High Development Costs

  1. Accelerated Development
    • Faster Time-to-Market: Low-code platforms can reduce development time by up to 80%, allowing businesses to deploy applications in weeks rather than months.
    • Quick Prototyping: Rapid prototyping features enable quick iterations and adjustments based on user feedback, speeding up the development process.
    • Reduced Development Time: By using visual tools and pre-built components, low-code platforms cut down coding efforts significantly.
    • Immediate Deployment: Applications can be deployed almost immediately, addressing market needs more swiftly.
    • Enhanced Productivity: Developers can handle more projects simultaneously due to reduced manual coding efforts.

Example: A global insurance company used a low-code platform to develop a customer service app in just six weeks, compared to the 18 months it would have taken using traditional methods. This rapid deployment helped them improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs.

  1. Reduced Need for Specialized Skills
    • Broader Accessibility: Business users with limited coding knowledge can contribute to application development.
    • Lower Training Costs: Less emphasis on deep technical training reduces overall training expenses.
    • Increased Collaboration: Encourages collaboration between IT and business units, leading to more relevant solutions.
    • Faster Onboarding: New team members can quickly get up to speed with intuitive low-code tools.
    • Reduced Dependency: Less reliance on highly specialized developers lowers recruitment and retention costs.

Example: A retail chain empowered its marketing team to create custom applications for customer engagement without needing IT intervention, resulting in cost savings and faster project turnaround.

  1. Lower Development Costs
    • Cost-Effective Development: Reduced need for extensive coding and specialized skills lowers overall development expenses.
    • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Built-in features for automatic updates and integrations reduce ongoing maintenance efforts.
    • Scalable Solutions: Low-code platforms offer scalable solutions without substantial additional costs.
    • Improved ROI: Faster development and deployment translate into a better return on investment.
    • Resource Optimization: Efficient use of resources leads to cost savings across the development lifecycle.

Example: A financial services firm cut its application development budget by 40% by using a low-code platform, thanks to reduced coding efforts and lower maintenance costs.

  1. Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability
    • Easily Adaptable: Applications can be easily modified and scaled to meet changing business needs.
    • Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with existing systems supports scalable growth.
    • Modular Design: Allows for incremental updates and feature additions without major overhauls.
    • User Feedback Integration: Quick incorporation of user feedback ensures the application evolves with user needs.
    • Cloud-Native Features: Supports cloud-based scalability and flexibility.

Example: An e-commerce company used a low-code platform to rapidly scale its order processing system to handle seasonal spikes in demand, ensuring uninterrupted service during peak periods.

  1. Integration and Automation
    • Streamlined Workflows: Automates repetitive tasks, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual errors.
    • Pre-Built Connectors: Offers easy integration with popular tools and systems.
    • Efficient Data Management: Simplifies data integration and management, reducing data silos.
    • Enhanced Productivity: Automation of routine processes frees up valuable developer time for more strategic tasks.
    • Real-Time Insights: Provides real-time data and analytics capabilities for informed decision-making.

Example: A healthcare provider implemented a low-code solution to automate patient scheduling and records management, leading to significant improvements in operational efficiency and patient care.

Real-World Success Stories

Several organizations have successfully leveraged low-code platforms to manage high development costs:

  • Financial Services: A major European bank used a low-code platform to develop a new customer onboarding system. The reduced development time allowed the bank to launch the system ahead of competitors, enhancing customer experience and saving significant development costs.
  • Retail: A prominent retail chain adopted a low-code solution to streamline its inventory management. The platform’s easy integration with existing systems and rapid deployment led to cost savings and improved operational efficiency.
  • Healthcare: A U.S.-based healthcare provider utilized a low-code platform to build a patient management system. The platform’s automation features reduced manual workloads and improved patient care, resulting in cost reductions and operational improvements.

The Future of Low-Code Development

As businesses continue to seek ways to optimize development processes and manage costs, the adoption of low-code platforms is expected to grow. 

  • Advancements in low-code technology, such as enhanced AI capabilities and improved integration options, will further drive this trend.
  •  Low-code platforms are likely to become a cornerstone of modern software development, offering scalable, cost-effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses.


The shift towards low-code development platforms represents a strategic response to the high costs associated with traditional software development. As technology continues to evolve, low-code platforms will play an increasingly vital role in enabling innovation and efficiency.

Ready to transform your development process and drive significant cost savings? Discover how DewStudio’s innovative low-code solutions can streamline your application development and boost your operational efficiency. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a demo!

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